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Job Listings
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Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Occupational Therapist, 6-Week Sub, Mid-March to Early May02/04/2025Occupational TherapistRoland HayesApply
Special Education Inclusion Paraprofessional K-802/04/2025Special EducationPublic Schools of Brookline (Districtwide)Apply
Special Education Paraprofessional Aide Specialized Programs, K-802/04/2025Special EducationPublic Schools of Brookline (Districtwide)Apply
Parent Child+ Home Visitor01/31/2025Early ChildhoodBrookline Early Education ProgramApply
Food Service Coordinator/Trainer01/31/2025Food ServiceFood ServicesApply
Food Service Assistant Manager01/31/2025Food ServiceFood ServicesApply
Coordinator of School Counseling01/29/2025Guidance CounselorBrookline High SchoolApply
Lawrence School - Model UN Advisor (SY24-25) (Stipend)01/28/2025StipendAmos A. Lawrence SchoolApply
Pierce: Girls on the Run Head Coach01/28/2025StipendJohn Pierce SchoolApply
Lawrence School Per Diem Substitute - 3 days (SY2122)01/27/2025SubstituteAmos A. Lawrence SchoolApply
MCAS Test Administration Assistant01/24/2025StipendPublic Schools of Brookline (Districtwide)Apply
Art Club Supervisor01/24/2025StipendJohn D. Runkle SchoolApply
BEEP Per Diem Substitute - 3 days (SY2425)01/21/2025SubstituteBrookline Early Education ProgramApply
Student Intervention Team (SIT) Members - Brookline High School01/21/2025StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
Early Childhood Paraprofessional in Extended Day Program01/17/2025Early ChildhoodBrookline Early Education ProgramApply
School Kitchen Manager01/17/2025Food ServiceFood ServicesApply
Principal of the K-8 Edith C. Baker School01/17/2025PrincipalEdith C. Baker SchoolApply
Special Education Extended School Year  (ESY) Coordinator01/15/2025SummerPublic Schools of Brookline (Districtwide)Apply
Long Term Sub- Grade 5 (March-June)01/13/2025Elementary TeacherMichael Driscoll SchoolApply
Math League Coordinator01/09/2025StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
Baker School Per Diem Substitute- 3 days (SY2425)01/09/2025SubstituteEdith C. Baker SchoolApply
1st grade Classroom Teacher LTS01/08/2025Elementary TeacherFlorida Ruffin Ridley SchoolApply
2nd grade Classroom Teacher (LTS)01/08/2025Elementary TeacherFlorida Ruffin Ridley SchoolApply
Deputy Superintendent, Office of Student Services01/07/2025Deputy SuperintendentSchool Administration Building (Town Hall)Apply
Middle School Play Director01/06/2025StipendMichael Driscoll SchoolApply
Credit Recovery and Graduation Coach(es)01/02/2025StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
Substitute School Nurse12/26/2024NursePublic Schools of Brookline (Districtwide)Apply
Special Education Teacher K-3 (Long term substitute)12/20/2024Special EducationFlorida Ruffin Ridley SchoolApply
Substitute Secretary12/11/2024SubstitutePublic Schools of Brookline (Districtwide)Apply
Middle School Play Director12/05/2024StipendMichael Driscoll SchoolApply
Assistant Athletic Trainer Spring Season SY242511/20/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS STIPEND - Accreditation Coordinator Continuation 24-2511/15/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Girls Crew Varsity Head Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Boys Crew Junior Varsity Coach (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Boys Baseball Freshman Coach (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Girls Lacrosse Varsity Assistant Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Boys Lacrosse Varsity Assistant Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Boys Lacrosse Junior Varsity Coach (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Boys Lacrosse Varsity Head Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Track & Field Assistant Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Boys Track & Field Varsity Head Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Girls Track & Field Varsity Head Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Girls Golf Junior Varsity Coach (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Girls Lacrosse Varsity Head Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Girls Lacrosse Junior Varsity Coach (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Girls Crew Junior Varsity Coach (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Girls Lacrosse Freshman Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Boys Rugby Varsity Head Coach - (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Girls Ultimate Frisbee Junior Varsity Coach (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply
BHS Boys Ultimate Frisbee Junior Varsity Coach (SY24-25)11/04/2024StipendBrookline High SchoolApply